Agave – the “fake” cactus plants

Agaves are commonly mistaken to be cacti due to their appearance – spiny thick succulent leaves etc. However, Agaves are not related to cacti or Aloe, with whom they share a passing resemblance. The agave plants are monocarpic, which means that they flower only once in their lifetimes after which they die. As the flowering cycle could be decades, some species of Agave are also known as century plants.

Agave bovicornuta

The photograph above is that of Agave bovicornuta from the New York Botanical gardens taken with an iPhone 4S and post-processed in Adobe Light 5.0.


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Scientist, hobby photographer and amateur gardener

6 thoughts on “Agave – the “fake” cactus plants”

  1. Stunning photo, Jawahar – the colours and curved/spiny shapes look like an alien creature. You’ve got a real talent. 🙂

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